Corporate Finance
Corporate finance is the division of finance that deals with how corporations deal with funding sources, capital structuring,
The IPO – Initial Public Offering is the most complex financial transaction as it involves knowledge in finance, in many national and international laws, in marketing trends analysis, in macro- and micro- economy, in financial public relations, in econometrics, in fundamental corporate analysis, in financial and securities markets analysis as well as in accounting, whether traditional, financial or analytical. Too many people, including experts, talk about the IPO without any understanding of the other fields involved beside their own.
Everyone pretends to know, what they really do not know, because it requires multiple different fields of knowledge and because the Initial Public Offering transaction is at the crossroad of these disciplines.
IPOLOGY is the science of Initial Public Offerings assembled from different fields of knowledge by Marc René Deschenaux.
These fields include finance, many national and international securities and other laws, marketing trends analysis, macro- and micro- economy, financial public relations, econometrics, in fundamental corporate analysis, financial and securities markets analysis as well as accounting, in its three forms traditional, financial and analytical.
Corporate finance is the division of finance that deals with how corporations deal with funding sources, capital structuring,
is the application of statistical methods to economic data in order to give empirical content to economic
Macroeconomics (from the Greek prefix makro- meaning “large” + economics) is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making
IPOs are heavily reliant upon securities lawyers who understand the legal and practical constraints that come into
These laws concern the regulation of cross-border capital raising transactions. Issues considered include the offering of securities
Securities regulation comprises the regulation of public issuers of securities,secondary markets, asset management products and market intermediaries.
IPOs are heavily reliant upon securities lawyers who understand the legal and practical constraints that come into play when a company is offering its securities
These laws concern the regulation of cross-border capital raising transactions. Issues considered include the offering of securities to investors outside an issuer’s home country, the
Securities regulation comprises the regulation of public issuers of securities,secondary markets, asset management products and market intermediaries. Regulation isdesigned to address asymmetries of information between
Every company must perform some accounting. This is so as to identify its financial state. Also known as bookkeeping, accounting involves the collection, analysis, classification,
Financial accounting focuses on the reporting of an organization’s financial information to external users of the information, such as investors, potential investors and creditors. It
Analytical Accounting is a tool that helps you to analyze, interpret, and create reports based on your company’s chart of accounts. Using Analytical Accounting, you